Monday, February 11, 2008

Carepage Message

This is the message that Krista posted on Garrett's carepage today...

This Is The Day That The Lord Hath Made, Let Us Rejoice And Be Glad In It! What a wonderful Sunday miracle we have had today! As Cristal and the doctor stood by Garrett's side this morning, the doctor told Garrett to, "open your eyes and look at your Mama". Garrett then opened both eyes and looked over at Cristal!! Later as Greg, Jill and Graceanna were with Garrett, they kept asking Garrett to open his eyes. The nurse told Garrett, “If you don’t open your eyes I’m gonna pinch you!” She then pinched his chest and he opened one eye and looked over at them. Later as Greg was talking close to Garrett’s ear he said, “I love you son”, Garrett opened one of his eyes again and looked over at him. The doctor shouted, “Spec-dang-tacular!” I guess that’s medical terms for praise God! They have also removed Garrett’s chest tube and everything is still looking good. Greg got on the phone and called Covenant Christian Church during their service to spread the good news. They put him on speaker phone and Greg could hear the church burst into praise! He said it sounded like a football stadium. We continue to praise God for the wonderful news.

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