Sunday, August 10, 2008


ferns and greenery on drive to Maracas Bay, Trinidad, W.I.

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace ...
1 Corinthians 14:33

Call it fatigue, a hormone fluctuation, or whatever, but I have been out of whack since we returned from Trinidad. So many things call for my attention and I am feeling distracted, interrupted, and not my usual semi-normal self. Now that is scary!

When a multitude of voices clamors for our attention, how can we hear God's voice? Satan uses the things of this world to deceive us. But God's voice is always clear. His words speak comfort, not confusion.

Father, You are not the author of confusion, but the author of peace. Help me to rest in You and find peace among the many distractions. In You I find comfort. Cause me to listen to Your voice of truth and find rest. Amen.

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