Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God does great things beyond our understanding...

Listening to a sister in Christ share from her heart - 7/29/08 - Trinidad, WI

The Almighty is beyond our reach
and exalted in power.
Job 37:5b and 23a
This past year has been trying, to say the least. At times it would be easy to lay down and just wallow in the hurt, the disappointments, and the pain. There has been ongoing stress, sickness, death, and trauma that took me by surprise. I am rediscovering again and again that I am not in control and that God is able to do great things beyond my comprehension.

I listened to the testimonies of so many Christians while in Trinidad whose faith and trust in God strengthened me in my walk. With few earthly possessions and living in a country with an endless list of serious social problems, they live with a purpose that is clear and undiluted. Trusting Jesus completely.

As a family we were collectively convicted that we are too comfortable. Spoiled, really.

One lady I met shared, with a glow on her face, about the joy of knowing Jesus. She told about losing a child, struggling financially, and still finding that indescribable joy in her life.

She said, "He loves me and He has a plan for my life," and with gratitude she exclaimed, "I have a job now!" I can help buy food for my family. I am so blessed!"

I heard this quote once...

A "God" perspective may not change my situation, but it will change me.

I love the hymn..."Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace."
Lord, forgive me for looking at my situation and not at YOU. Even after the miracles you have performed in my life, even after the provision of your grace and mercy, I confess that I have doubted and allowed the present circumstances to overwhelm me. I believe that YOU will accomplish great things beyond my understanding. Amen.

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