Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 24, 2008

Speak, Lord;
for Thy servant heareth.
1 Samuel 3:10

If I truly desire to hear the voice of God, then I must be prepared to listen. It will be hard to hear the voice of God if I am doing all the talking. This means I must set aside time where I am in a positon to hear HIS voice.
Lord, I want to hear your voice, I want be in step with you so your name will be exalted in all the world!

The words to the hymn below were written in 1869 by Frances Havergal. She was born on De­cem­ber 14, 1836 in Ast­ley, Wor­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land. Frances was reading by age four and began writing hyms at age seven. She lived a short life dying at age forty-three on June 3, 1879 .On her tomb­stone was the Script­ure verse she claimed as her own: The blood of Je­sus Christ cleans­eth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Master, speak! Thy servant heareth,

Waiting for Thy gracious word,

Longing for Thy voice that cheereth;

Master! let it now be heard.

I am listening, Lord, for Thee:

What hast Thou to say to me?

Speak to me by name,

O Master,Let me know it is to me;

Speak, that I may follow faster,

With a step more firm and free,

Where the Shepherd leads the flock,

In the shadow of the rock.

Master, speak!

Though least and lowest,

Let me not unheard depart;

Master, speak!

For O, Thou knowest

All the yearning of my heart,

Knowest all its truest need:

Speak! and make me blest indeed.

Master, speak! and make me ready,

When Thy voice is truly heard,

With obedience glad and steady

Still to follow every word.

I am listening, Lord, for Thee:

Master, speak! O, speak to me!

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