Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Coming

Father, forgive them, 
for they know not what they do.
 Luke 23:34

I guess I really shouldn't be surprised that there are people who get under my skin and some who really just seem so mean, thoughtless, and self-centered that I can't imagine ever loving them. 

Today those stinging, bitter words. Nose upturned. Rude. Cold.

Intentional? Careless? Those words.

Still they hurt.

Blinking back tears. 

Swallowing hard. 

Throat burns. 

How do I love this one? 

She needs to be told exactly how rude she really is. Put in her place. Ungrateful. She is.

Then, after a solid hour of misery, I end my silent argument for the hurt I feel. 

I finally stop. I bow my head. Knowing He heard it. Knowing He witnessed it all.

And I remember Christmas is coming.
The One who will take away the sins of the world. 
The One who will cleanse me. This child. His child.

Forgive her , Lord as you have forgiven me.


Faith, Folklore, and Friends said...

Love your blog. We all have those people, those stumbling blocks, that try to steal our joy. The Father knows.

Annesta said...

Your words ring true. Grace is hard to give. May you find peace in the giving of grace.
Merry Christmas.

Trish said... the heart. Thank you, I needed to be reminded because I have one too...