Thursday, May 7, 2009

What's in your closet?

I had a wonderful conversation with my daughter last night. I love those moments when she invites me to crawl in bed with her, stays off the phone, sets aside her latest novel, and shares her heart. Last night we talked about lots of things ... college, her boyfriend, etc. Then we got off on a interesting topic ... how easy it is to let our thoughts take control. How many times have I allowed my thoughts to completely control me, taking up space in my spirit. It's a daily process of throwing out the unnecessary things in my spirit closet and allowing God to transform and renew my mind. (Romans 12:2)

Jennifer Rothschild says, Our words are powerful. Especially the words we say to ourselves. We must speak truth to our souls because we seldom forget what we have stored away. You are a reflection of what you think. What you hang in your closet is what you will clothe yourself with.Your self talk will affect who you are. When you speak truth to your soul you will live out the truth. We have borrowed unbecoming beliefs from other people and hung them in our thought closets. We should refuse to let untruths and destructive words and thoughts occupy prime space in our minds' closets.You and I must take some control of our thoughts. We must train them to match up with the truth. If we don't keep a hold on them, they will soon gain a hold on us.

More scriptures...

Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (Rom. 12:21).

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable think on these things. (Phil. 4:8).

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