Monday, August 10, 2009


Whatever your heart clings to and confides in,
that is really your God.
Martin Luther
Over the past four years there has been an onslaught of events to "knock me off my feet."
Some events and happenings were welcome surprises, while others literally took the wind out of me, like a sudden jolt, a life-stopping moment. Then to follow that, a bitter pill to swallow.
I even had a dream where I saw myself barefooted, toes gripping the edge of a cliff and hearing a voice...a voice telling me to jump. A calm, reassuring voice instructing me to fall into the arms of The One who loves me. In my dream, it was unknown territory though and I couldn't see anything in front of me. So, in the dream, I answered, NO and turned my back only to face a stone cold hard wall. There I heard another voice, enticing me to stay where it was comfortable and familiar. But there was no room to move around and I could only face the wall of stone. I awoke gasping for air. I have thought many times about that dream and attempted to analyze it. I would welcome your interpretations.
Falling. It's a feeling, a state of being out of control.
Last night I fell. And it could have been nightmare. I attempted to step into the tub with Malli to give her a bath. Something I always do. Something familiar. Now, our tub is a sunken one so I usually roll up my pants' legs and join her in the ankle deep warm bath. That way I can readily catch her if she decides to go on a underwater adventure...which she loves to do.
But, last night as I stepped onto the rubber bath mat, something that is intended to keep you from falling, I did just that. I fell. Feet up in the air, with Malli in my arms. Clinging to her with one arm and attempting to catch my self with the other. This resulted in landing firmly on my left elbow with quite an impact!
Thankfully, she was unharmed and I managed to escape serious injuries...just some minor bruising.
Makes me realize again, even in those familiar places, those often visited, comfortable zones of our life, there can be danger. We can become so comfortable that we don't see the obvious risk.
Father, I come to you again, clinging, confiding. Keep me from anything that puts me in danger or distracts me from YOU...THE ONE TRUE GOD.
Stepping into a familiar place,
overlooking footing, uncertain shaky,
slippery, helpless, falling, grasping, dependent
I cling, I confide in you,
my one true God.

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