Saturday, May 29, 2010

Date night

Friday night and husband invites me to a movie. "Maybe Robin Hood," he suggests.

Truth is, it's not about the movie...he would honestly rather dine on movie popcorn and a coke
than a steak and potato most weekends. No kiddin!

First we stop off at Lowe's. Isn't that how every hot date begins? He lovingly asks me, "would you rather wait here or do you want to go in with me?" Since I consider this a date, I agree to join him. He even opens my car door for me. My heart is all a-flutter!

Once inside, I am drawn to the garden section. No surprise to anyone who knows me.
So, I do what any good woman does. I wave my date off and say "you know where to find me when you get ready to check out."

So much for romance, eh?

And that's when I found it... a new friend... a kindred spirit. The most beautiful, breathtaking sight I have laid eyes on in a long time. A succulent container garden. Lord, help me, I am stricken. After staring at its beauty and envisioning it as a new member of my growing succulent family for well over ten minutes, my Lowe's/movie date walks up and asks, "you ready for some popcorn? " Then he recognizes that look in my eyes. He really should know better by now. Never leave me unattended in the garden section.

Now I honestly can't think of anything more romantic than a guy buying his woman succulents. Roses. Pshhh!  But, succulents? That's just hot! And sexy, in my opinion!

Here's more information on succulents, just in case you are smitten like me, or are suffering from insomnia...
Succulent plants store water in their fleshy leaves. They are water-retaining plants adapted to arid climate or soil conditions. Succulent plants store water in their leaves, stems, and also in roots. The storage of water often gives succulent plants a more swollen or fleshy appearance than other plants. Water retention? Swollen? Fleshy? I can so relate!

And, oh, what about the movie, the popcorn you ask? Well, we didn't make it Friday night. We decided to wait til Sunday afternoon and went out for Mexican instead. I really love my man!

The sea is so wide and my boat is so small...

It's been a while since I posted anything on my blog. Life has just been incredibly eventful lately and I have great difficulty gathering any sound thoughts when life is uneventful so, well, just consider yourself lucky to get anything even half sensible out of me these days.

The "merry month of May" has been an emotional roller coaster for this Mom.
Our first son graduated from college, our second son is staring Air Force Basic Training in the face, and our daughter graduated from high school. On May 10th, oldest son, Taylor graduated from Emory University with  B. A. in Political Science. The weekend was filled with friends and family gathering in Atlanta to honor and celebrate this honored one of ours. On Mother's Day we attended the Baccalaureate Service at the Glenn Memorial Church.  During the service, I was touched by the singing of a choral anthem arranged by David Brunner entitled "Simple Boat."

Dear Lord, be good to me.
The sea is so wide and my boat is so small.
-Irish Fisherman's Prayer

Regard your body as a vessel,
A simple boat for going here and there.
Make of it a wish-fulfilling gem
To bring about the benefit of beings.

May I be a guard for those who are protectorless,
A guide for those who journey on the road.
For those who wish to go across the water,
May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.
-The Way of the Bodhisattva

It is true, children grow up. There is a big world out there for them to explore, to experience, to conquer. They leave the harbour. I see Taylor stepping into another boat now ... taking risks, challenges with great confidence. Eyes focused and set on more goals. Griff is counting the days until he leaves for Basic Training. A young man with the many responsibilities that come with a wife and a baby ready to set sail, determined and motivated to excel. And that daughter, the baby, now graduated from high school, Eyes set on a new horizon. A vast sea with endless opportunities.

The words from "Simple Boat" speak to my heart, reminding me of the purpose of this journey I am on. The reason I am. I pause, think of the years of tireless loving, guiding, nurturing, training, disciplining my three children. Such wonderful years.  Does it all matter? Did I make a difference? How insignificant I feel at times, yet how I matter still. I do have purpose. A role. Even when what I have always been comfortable doing suddenly alters, changes, even ends. The sea is so wide and my boat is so small...May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What it's all about

Pre-K class picture 2003-2004

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that if everything goes well I will be graduating from SGC on Thursday morning at 9:00AM and I owe it all to you and my Mom. I just want you to know that you are the reason that I went back to school. My Mom helped me make the final decision but it was your confidence in me that made me realize that maybe I could do it. When I worked with you and saw how you taught, you made me realize that I wanted to be just like you. I know that those words may sound stupid but that is how I felt. Not only did you give my confidence, you inspired me and made me want to do more in my life. You are a wonderful person and I will never forget what you have done for me. I will also cherish your friendship forever. I know that we don't get to spend a lot of time together anymore but I do think about you a lot. Your confidence and words of encouragement were what kept me going. Although the moment will be bittersweet because my Mom will not be here to see me, I am very proud of myself for what I have accomplished and you are why I was able to do that. This world needs more teachers and people like you. I know that I should probably be in the bed because it is almost 12:00 but I wanted to let you know what you and your friendship means to me. I love you and you will always hold a special place in my heart.
 Love ya lots,Brenda