Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bread of Life

You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat. 
Come give to us, O saving Lord, the bread of life to eat.
Robert E. Kreutz

 On a quest to find a Starbucks before heading home today, daughter and I stopped off at a wonderful little place called
The Bread House & Granary. 
I remember reading about it in a magazine a while back and was delighted to actually find it today.
The whole grain wheat flour is milled on site and the loaves are kneaded and shaped by hand.
What is even more exciting to me is that the Bread House
"provides healthy products for enhanced bodily healthy and the nourishment of souls while employing , empowering and transforming women through God's healing mercy and grace. GraceWay residents work in the granary and learn new skill sets. These employees give back to the community and begin rebuilding their lives based on the promises and Word of God."

How cool is that? A ministry in the marketplace.

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