Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dear Pioneer Woman,

Healthy baked muffin-doughnut/donut

Unhealthy fried doughnut/donut

In recognition of  National Doughnut/Donut Day, I took it upon myself to come up with a healthier version of the delectable doughnut/donut. (Can you tell I am still obsessing over which way to spell the darn word?)

After forcing asking my daughter to help me mix up the healthy recipe at midnight, the results are now in. The healthy baked doughnut/donut tasted like a muffin. That's right. A good healthy, hearty, moist muffin, which,  is o.k.  IF you want a muffin. But a muffin is not what I ordered, thank you very much! So it was back to the drawing board, so to speak. After much thought and deliberation the panel of, my daughter, my son, and my niece...voted to make this recipe instead. As a last resort. Redeeming the wasted time spent on the "healthy" recipe.

Now, suffice it to say, I have always been pleased with your  Pioneer Woman recipes. Never been disappointed with any of the high-caloric, fat-packed, amazing food you whip up. (Although I have strong suspicions you don't  eat the food you cook...I saw your skinny butt on T. V.)

But seriously, I must say the labor involved, the trouble of mixing the dough, allowing it to rise, rolling it out, cutting it out, getting the hot oil just the right temperature for frying was more painful than the last root canal I had. My poor daughter was breaking a sweat.

Aggravating, Ree. Really. No hard feelings. It was just NOT my idea of fun.

Just to remain fair and open-minded though, I sampled not one, but two of these little devils. And honestly, they were not fall-on-the-floor great. Better than the healthy baked muffin-doughnut/donut impostor, BUT just not worth the trouble.

Maybe one day, when I have all the laundry caught up, the weeds are all pulled, and Facebook goes out of style, I'll give it another try, but for now I am just gonna google for the closest Krispy Kreme.

Unless, and only unless, under one accept this cordial invitation to visit me in my neck of the woods and give me some and cooking tips....starting with Doughnuts 101.
 I'll even wear my yoga pants, just to make you feel welcome.

I love you. Still.


Gina Morgan

1 comment:

Katie Hollingsworth said...

Well, they look delicious! Mom talks about how Mema use to fry canned biscuits and then pour a mixture of confection sugar with a little water over them. That sounds easy AND delicious!!