Thursday, December 4, 2008

What Child Is This?

"He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'

Matthew 18:2-4

Now that I am with 20 four-year olds for approximately 7 hours daily, I must say, honestly, being a teacher of four-year olds is akin to Hollywood stardom! The smallest things I do excite them. When I sing, they get so excited and when I share a silly story or rhyme giggles are aplenty. They fight over who is going to sit next to me at lunch. They want to hold my hand all the time. It is exhausting, this life! I am a star for sure, at least with my four-year old peeps!

Now preparing for the Christmas season with these little ones is just over the top! Nothing is more fun than being a child at Christmas time. There's been a trip to the Tree Farm this week, ornament making, candy cane tasting, jingle bells ringing. Oh yes, Christmas as a child is fun!

Being a child. His child. That's what God desires of us each day. To become like little children. Coming to Him with anticipation and trusting Him that He will pour out His love and His goodness.

In my devotional time, I chose to meditate on "What Child Is This" (William Chatterton Dix) today and my favorite line of this song is ...

Come, have no fear;
God's son is here,
His love all loves exceeding

This Christmas I want to celebrate the simple joys in life, coming to Him as a child. His child.

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