Monday, November 10, 2008

Definition of FAITH

“Faith is transferring your trust from your own efforts to the efforts of Christ. You were relying on other things to make you acceptable, but now you consciously begin relying on what Jesus did for your acceptance with God. All you need is nothing. If you think, ‘God owes me something for all my efforts,’ you are still on the outside.”
- Timothy Keller, How Can I Know God?

In this journey with my Lord, I am constantly reminded over and over and over again to put my trust in Him alone.
He does the impossible.
It's true!
It's all about faith.
It it so easy to slip and get in a funk, so to speak, of putting my faith in my efforts or
to rely on my present circumstances to dictate my emotions and feelings.
Father, thank you for reminding me today that you accept me, empty and poured out.
I only need you.

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